
Archive for February, 2010

Could Haiti Have Been A Test Target For Advanced ELF Warfare Technology?

February 2, 2010 Comments off

Could Haiti have been victims of a new type of warfare weapon technology that Russia, U.S, and China have been developing for a number of years? Possibly! Due to New weather warfare technology that is a lot more advanced and can now pinpoint a target, such as a juncture of tectonic shelving at a certain location in the Earth’s crust and blast a long series of ELF (extremely low frequency) pulses causing instability at that junction. By beaming these ELF pulses at an unstable earthquake fault line point, all of a sudden, a shift in the tectonic plates around that fault line forms and thus begins an earthquake reaction.

This radio frequency weapons technology such as HAARP can possibly do the same in the Earth’s atmosphere causing massive storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and effect tidal forces, to cause tsunamis. Also, this RF technology has a strong effect on the Earths atmosphere as it does within the solid Earth tectonic strata and substrata.

Think about it for a minute, of all the places upon the Earth’s surface, isn’t it a little odd that one of the poorest countries in the world gets hit, and also the epicenter was at a point of a higher population. Not only that, but a nation of poor ethnic ‘black’ people that are the descendants of slaves, such that I would say would be the opinion of the military commanders that did the test strike. One can almost imagine them thinking “What better way to thin the worlds population and test a new and improved shiny ‘Hi Fi’ sound system”. The technology does now exists so that EMPs (electric magnetic pulse) can now be targeted at an exact point within an xyz Cartesian location and travel through various types of conductive medium.

More links About ELF Advanced Warfare Technology:

Earth Weapon
ELF Wartech Chronology
HAARP Conspiracy
ELF Wiki

Some Recent Possible ELF Quakes:

2008 Sichuan China Earthquake
Haiti Earthquake Details

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