
Archive for the ‘Miscellaneous’ Category

The Tree of Life

September 21, 2011 Comments off

The Tree of Life is a concept that is found in theosophical and mystical forms of thought throughout cultural history. It is found within the spiritual and religious systems of the Jewish Qaballah, Norse Mythology, and the Family Ancestral Tree, as well as other systems more or less obscure. In Christianity there was the Tree of Life that resided in the center of the Garden of Eden. In Egypt, IsisĀ & Osiris were said to have emerged from the acacia tree of Saosis, which the Egyptians considered the “tree of life”. The Assyrian Tree of Life was represented by a series of nodes and criss-crossing lines and was apparently an important religious symbol, often attended to by priests or their Kings. The Tree of Life was a very important concept among Siberian shaman, it was said to extend into the heavens, and a person that saw it in their visions were to become a spiritual leader. The concept of the tree of life appears in the writings of the Baha’i Faith, where it can refer to the Manifestation of God, a great teacher who appears to humanity from age to age. Two varieties of the fig (called Ashvatta in Sanskrit), the banyan tree and the peepal tree are the most revered in the Indian tradition, and both are considered the trees of life.

The Bodhi tree under which Gautama Buddha achieved enlightenment is a peepal tree. Among pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures, the concept of “world trees” is a prevalent motif in Mesoamerican mythical cosmologies and iconography. World trees embodied the four cardinal directions, which represented also the fourfold nature of a central world tree, a symbolic axis mundi connecting the planes of the Underworld and the sky with that of the terrestrial world. The neuroanatomical term tree of life describes the branching pattern between the cortical grey matter and subcortical white matter of the cerebellum. The phrase the tree of life is often used in association with the DNA molecule, and has sometimes been associated with the maternal placenta.

In a myth passed down among the Iroquois, The World on the Turtle’s Back, explains the origin of the land in which a tree of life is described. According to the myth, it is found in the heavens, where the first humans lived, until a pregnant woman fell and landed in an endless sea. Saved by a giant turtle from drowning, she formed the world on its back by planting bark taken from the tree. The tree of life motif is present in the traditional Ojibway cosmology and traditions. It is sometimes described as Grandmother Cedar, or Nookomis Giizhig in Anishinaabemowin.

Donovan Edwards (2009)

Categories: Miscellaneous

The Truth Behind Words and Symbols

September 21, 2011 Comments off

It is interesting how we use language to describe an idea or emotions and feelings, but a word in any language is an attribution to what it is trying to represent. We can only try to convey the idea or emotional component to another through language but cannot actually convey the absolute of the idea or emotion. Only the person that the idea or emotion originates from can conceive the total truth of the energy that they are trying to communicate. Some languages or systems of thought convey spiritual attributions, within language and communication, better than others (i.e. Hopi, Navajo, other Native American languages, Sanskrit, Aboriginal, Norse Runes, Paths and Realms of Qaballah (tarot), Astrology, Sacred Geometry, Mathematics). A word or symbol that represents an energy or collection of energies (thoughts and ideas) are not truth but represent and help to define, approximate, and target a narrow spectral range of energies close to the truth but possibly variable and abstract. All this is in order to put the receiving individual of the word or symbol closer to their own self discovery of the thought, concept, and/or idea.

Categories: Miscellaneous

The Universe Is Thinking!

September 21, 2011 Comments off

Observe around you, all around you throughout the day, you are surrounded by signs and symbols, from the physical to even in the more subtle, such as within a translation of a literary word or a phonetic glyph, and the letters of our alphabet. The signs, signals, and symbols begin in our dreams, as our first thoughts, while we form in our mothers womb and continue throughout our lives as we perform our daily actions, and while we sleep. Whether or not we are aware of them or not, and how we process them, is key to understanding our lives more in depth. These signs, signals, and symbols are affecting us all the time psychologically, within our consciousness and subconsciousness perception. In total, these symbols can be thought of as waves of energy patterns which seem to naturally flow within us. These patterns of energy symbols seem to flow all around and through us and define us while we are constantly trying to classify and assimilate them into our daily consciousness. One can imagine them as a sort of sacred flow of life consciousness that is flowing all the time and ever replenishing ourselves and the Universe. All of this universal information is a sort of universal unfoldment and awakening. The real question is: How much of all this universal information are we able to retain and assimilate within our conscious and subconscious construct?

Symbolic relationships to symbols, thoughts, concepts, and emotional functions are ceaselessly being formed, translated, communicated, and remembered all around us all of the time. These form in our mind as thoughts, ideas, emotional beliefs, and concepts. We then further process, translate, and draw our breath in to let out a word, a phonetic sound that represents and symbolizes our thoughts. These thoughts are periodically also duly or singularly represented by numbers. Perhaps at this very moment you are beginning to see a mathematical relationship within this concept. Throughout history, people from around the World have sought to create ways of classifying, defining, and communicating the energy patterns of total universal existence. Many of these ancient classification systems of symbolism, such as the Qabbalah, the I-Ching, the system of Runes, and sacred geometry all have a mathematical approach, albeit sometimes abstractly, for classification of the energy and motions of universal existence. They also have built in methods of divination, or studying and trying to understand possible outcome of the future based on paths of energy patterns within universal consciousness.

An example of this idea would be that as I am writing this paragraph, I am constantly contemplating a logical pattern or order for the best designated position to place each letter, word, and sentence. I am configuring them in an order that I deem most appropriate and logical. The whole psycho-contemplative thought process provides us with a means of defining, classifying, and ordering thought information into symbolic images that best represent the thought. Note, that I have choices in how I represent a thought, idea, or concept by choosing symbolic words and definitions from the language that I understand and am writing them in. I record them, as I deem which symbolic word best represents my thoughts about this subject that I am trying to convey. Therefore, if an individual only spends a moment to reflect upon his or her own nature, they shall witness, by the act of just thinking, that they are subconsciously, and consciously trying to define and classify their own existence into some sort of order that best makes sense to them. This thought process, and trying to make sense of who we are, helps us to state and define an idealistic construct of who and we are. Therefore, it can be said that we are recreating who we are all the time by merely thinking about who and what we are. We are creating ourselves from our own thoughts of who and what we think we are. If you think and truly accept that you are a certain type of individual then you begin to become that certain type of individual that is conceived within your very own thoughts. All this leads back to the alchemical concept of “As Above, So Below” and the Micro-Cosmic Universe is a direct reflection of the Macro-Cosmic Universe. Take time to meditate upon this, for it is an important formula of how all things come into manifestation within the realm of three dimensional space and time.

In the beginning God created and formed Letters, and from those letters he formed the first word, and he breathed out and spoke the word, thus beginning the creative manifestation of his own divine image, and thus the creation of the Universe and the World. An example of this can also be conceived within Norse mythology, when the Patriarchal ‘Old Father or All-Father’ god Odhin hung and sacrificed himself unto himself by cutting, and hanging himself from the “World Tree” Yggdrasil. As Odhin hung there sacrificing himself unto himself, droplets of his blood fell into the waters of life that nourishes the Yggdrasil. Within the whirling of his blood in the Waters of Life he discovered, saw, and took into himself the runic symbols that represent the constructive energy force or building blocks of life.

As an example of symbolism, the Egyptian literature of the “Emerald Tablet” discusses the purpose, history, and existence of the Egyptian god Thoth, also Tahuti. Thoth is the Egyptian god-form that represents word, language, literature, and written record. Thoth is attributed to ‘The Divine Word of Ra’, Ra being the supreme monad, and also the ancient Egyptians one God of Creation. According to E. A. Wallis Budge, all the Egyptian god-forms were aspects of the Egyptian god Ra, and Ra was represented by the symbol of the rising sun. The Egyptians had several concepts about creation. One of them being that the Egyptian god Ptah created the universe by using his heart and his tongue. For the ancient Egyptians the heart was place of origin for thought. By uttering forth and saying the name of all things he brought them forth into existence.

“It was also said (in the Shabaka Stone) that it was Ptah who called the world into being, having dreamt creation in his heart, and speaking it, his name meaning opener, in the sense of opener of the mouth. Indeed the opening of the mouth ceremony, performed by priests at funerals to release souls from their corpses, was said to have been created by Ptah. Atum was said to have been created by Ptah to rule over the creation, sitting upon the primordial mound.”

Also and again, the thought process and personal methods of defining and classifying ourselves by interpreting the energy patterns within thoughts and mental symbols can be observed in following statement by the Egyptian god-form Thoth: “…aeon to aeon did they renew their life in the Halls of Amenti where the river of life flows eternally onward.” ~ Thoth. Within this statement the ‘river of life” might possibly mean to represent the ‘primum materia’ or energy patterns represented by archetypal energy thoughts and symbols coming into being.

An understanding of our thoughts can simply be derived by asking logical questions about our human thought process. These questions behave like control switches for us to grasp a deeper and more subtle and insightful glance into the mental structure of our thoughts. All of this is very basic psychology and simple enough to contemplate, but dominantly hardly ever considered by us on a regular basis. Yet, it is what constructs us everyday and should be considered one of the most vital and important parts of our nature. This is achieved through inner self reflection and meditation.

The whole thought process that we humans possess is a powerful mechanism. We are constantly shaping and reshaping the structure of ourselves and the world around us all of the time. By merely thinking, both individualistically and together, in the form of utilizing our communicative faculties, we are generating and regenerating ourselves and the world around us. We think first and then we act. If we act before thinking, then the act itself is taking place without a form or control. Our thoughts thus help give us direction and control. If a person only ponders upon the process of thinking for just a moment, he or she may have a realization about how a thought is formed, or is being formed. If you maintain an awareness of how the thought is being formed, you will perceive a threshold or the entrance to the beginning of the thought. By asking yourself questions about the thought, such as: ‘What is this thought?’, ‘How is this thought coming into being’, and ‘Why does this thought exist’, and ‘Where is this thought originating from, you will begin activating psychological control switches to diagnose and analyze the structure of the thinking process.

Meditational Control of Mind:

Seeds of thought are always abating us throughout the daily grind of living within the complex social structure of society. The ongoing process of thinking naturally effects every aspect of our existence and causes us many times to make irrational decisions. Our decisions are paramount in how we deal with important situations and relationships within our social realm. Many times we are not even aware of the thoughts we have and the decisions we make that are a necessary and important process for governing our everyday existence. We most often approach our daily lives unaware of how and why we decide to do the things we do. We naturally seem to reside in some sort of auto-pilot state of control. This in turn leaves us feeling helpless and bewildered as to why things aren’t going the way we think they should, and why problems keep arising blocking us and propelling us into difficult situations, and miss-communication within our personal relationships. If we could only manage to gain more control over our thoughts we would have more powerful facilities to manage, control, organize, and communicate better within our daily lives.

By meditating upon and understanding thoughts and symbols and their associative meanings, one can formulate an imaginative sequence of thoughts and utilized these to activate emotional and elated thought. Imaginative thought acts as a sort of fuel for exaltation of thought and is a most profound and powerful thing. Also, the process of meditational self-reflection is a way to harness disciplined ‘will power’. By binding the emotional intent to the energy of focused ‘will power’ a potent seed of ‘Becoming’ is formed. If this initial combined seed of thought and will is further nourished and watered with belief, faith, and expectation, it surely will flourish and come into manifestation. By simply sitting and focusing this way upon meditative self-reflection, one becomes more aware of their very own process of thinking. Furthermore, by becoming more aware of how the process of thinking takes place, the concept of ‘Mind’ is suddenly more easily facilitated. The word ‘Mind’ is a representation of awakened consciousness, and the ever awaking Universe in Total. Here within lies the secret formula, that is so easily misunderstood and misconstrued. Meditate, reflect, and take heed to understand this information, because it is the fundamental basis of cognitive creation.

Faith and belief are developed through trial, tribulation, experience, and upon reoccurring thoughts about an idea. Elated thought is developed and harnessed through applied emotional imagination of the spiritual thought. Therefore, you must strive to understand your own thought process and emotional nature. This can only be achieved through self-reflection and meditation. You, the student of life must look deep inside yourself all of the time by constant self-reflection to be able to control, understand, and ascertain to the deep emotional mechanism within. If one begins to truly understand this formula the he or she shall soon realize that every one of us on Earth have the power to manifest our reality at will, each and everyday.

Meditation achieves success at controlling and clarifying the thinking process within ourselves. If practiced and performed correctly, it helps us to attain to a deeper understanding of our own subconscious and conscious inner nature. The process of meditation helps to renew our energy through right, slow, and rhythmical breathing, which, inadvertently, helps us to achieve a state of controlled spiritual thought. In other words, it builds up powerful vital energy and helps to clear the mind of uncontrolled thoughts. Meditation begins with focusing on the closest thing to spiritual thought, which is one’s own breath. Breath is a semi-conscious acknowledgement to the existence of your life. It is the most primary and vital sustenance for life itself. Breath is a rhythmic fluctuation and cyclic reprocessing of vital spiritual energy. Each new cycle of breath drawn into the lungs is a regeneration of vital life energy. Just as a new dawn arises each day so does a new breath arise within you during a new breath cycle. You only need to expound upon different yoga meditational systems to understand that there exist many different types of meditational breath exercises.

A simple type of meditational breathing can be performed, by the beginning practitioner of meditation, by simply counting breaths in a four-fold manner. Try this by sitting in a comfortable and relaxed position: your legs relaxed and not crossed, and feet flat on the floor; arms in a natural and relaxed position at both sides of your body; your hands relaxed in your lap, with your left hand slightly resting upon your belly within your right hand; relax your mind and body; draw in your first meditative breath slowly and relaxed while mentally counting to four; hold that breath to the count of four; exhale the breath to the count of four; then hold the exhaled breath while counting to four; then repeat this cycle while trying to relax and breath deeper with each breath and breathing cycle;

While doing the above meditational breath exercise, also known as the ‘Four-Fold Breath of Life’, you will notice that counting each moment of breath helps you to clear your mind of inner everyday thoughts and concerns. If a thought does enter into existence, do not force it to leave, for this will only be followed by more thoughts and tension about the thought itself. Instead, just let the thought exist through its duration. If per chance the thought brings on more thoughts and you find your concentration weak, do not force the meditation, just quit the process and come back to it when you feel more relaxed and try again. Also, if you become sleepy during this meditation, just relax and let yourself fall asleep and take a brief nap. In time, and with practice you will slowly gain more concentration during your meditative sessions. For some this will be easier and for others it will take more patience, practice, and time. After you find it easy to focus on each breath count for a reasonable period of time, then you may try to just follow your breaths without counting. Also, after you learn to achieve this meditative breath technique without counting and you are able to fully focused on each breath duration without random seeds of thought entering into your mind, then the reward is that you can successfully reach a powerful state of concentration. These heightened states of clear and focused concentration can then be applied to exaltation of a seed of thought. Through this meditative process you will also have achieved a deeper understanding of the inner thought process and psychical mechanism.

There are many associated and symbolic ideas pertaining to this specific meditative breath exercise, that can be further examined. Try to consider and reflect upon the archetypal symbols of the concept of ‘Four’, such as: The four basic directions of East, South, West, and North; The four moments of time in a day as Dawn, Noon, Dusk, and Midnight; The four elements of nature known as Air, Fire, Water, Earth; The four seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter; After you can hold good concentration while doing the ‘Four-Fold Breath’ meditative exercise, you may try to concentrate upon each of these concepts of Four, one at a time, and to which one corresponds to a function of breath. For example, you may focus on the aspect of East or Dawn for the in-drawn breath, the aspect of South or Noon for the held breath, the West or Dusk while exhaling breath, and the North or Midnight for the held exhaled breath.

This type of meditation process for clarity of thought consciousness and focused Will combined with a study of one of the Psycho-Spiritual Systems of Symbolic Classification, such as Qaballah, I-Ching, or the study of Runeology, and Sacred Geometry provides a powerful road-map for balanced mental clarity, self-improvement, and self-transformation. Further, it helps to, create new pathways of mental thought, form new synapses gateways within the brain, and awakens a higher more divine genius consciousness within yourself.

~Donovan Edwards, May 17, 2010

Categories: Miscellaneous

“The Flow” A poem by Robogenus

September 21, 2011 Comments off

Cloud forms moving across the sky, floating in liquid lucid manner, forever making their way aimlessly and seeming to swim through a phantasm of timeless vortex…

From Seas of endless unwinding change and curling eddies in motion, expanding sun beauty and moon beauty in their whispering folds while flowing in transitional evaporation…

To Land’s luminous mountains, soaking precious rain into mud of earth, crystallizing into frost and twilight snow, only to melt into continuous flowing streams via spring warming sun-rays…

Whence the streams flow across all country land, through resplendent green pastures, fields of bountiful crops, to the dry desert that sustains the minimalist of life…

Making the way into great rivers, lakes, and seas, dividing colossal continents and fragmented provincial states, providing watery pathways of cultural growth, whilst collecting in pools at great centers of trade…

Donovan Edwards (2002)

Categories: Miscellaneous

Old VW Bus :D

September 21, 2011 Comments off
Categories: Miscellaneous

Could Haiti Have Been A Test Target For Advanced ELF Warfare Technology?

February 2, 2010 Comments off

Could Haiti have been victims of a new type of warfare weapon technology that Russia, U.S, and China have been developing for a number of years? Possibly! Due to New weather warfare technology that is a lot more advanced and can now pinpoint a target, such as a juncture of tectonic shelving at a certain location in the Earth’s crust and blast a long series of ELF (extremely low frequency) pulses causing instability at that junction. By beaming these ELF pulses at an unstable earthquake fault line point, all of a sudden, a shift in the tectonic plates around that fault line forms and thus begins an earthquake reaction.

This radio frequency weapons technology such as HAARP can possibly do the same in the Earth’s atmosphere causing massive storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and effect tidal forces, to cause tsunamis. Also, this RF technology has a strong effect on the Earths atmosphere as it does within the solid Earth tectonic strata and substrata.

Think about it for a minute, of all the places upon the Earth’s surface, isn’t it a little odd that one of the poorest countries in the world gets hit, and also the epicenter was at a point of a higher population. Not only that, but a nation of poor ethnic ‘black’ people that are the descendants of slaves, such that I would say would be the opinion of the military commanders that did the test strike. One can almost imagine them thinking “What better way to thin the worlds population and test a new and improved shiny ‘Hi Fi’ sound system”. The technology does now exists so that EMPs (electric magnetic pulse) can now be targeted at an exact point within an xyz Cartesian location and travel through various types of conductive medium.

More links About ELF Advanced Warfare Technology:

Earth Weapon
ELF Wartech Chronology
HAARP Conspiracy
ELF Wiki

Some Recent Possible ELF Quakes:

2008 Sichuan China Earthquake
Haiti Earthquake Details

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